WHAT!?!?!?!?!? 12.5 inches of snow? What is that about??? I live in Dallas Texas for the love of God. If I was interested or even tolerant of this type of Weather I would live somewhere crazy like Wisconsin or one of the Dakotas.
I will say the snow is just beautiful. Everything kinda looks like double frosted, Frosted mini wheats. Which is why I have opted to stay inside and not make myself hungry by playing in the little frosted mini wheat village I seemed to have moved into sometime throughout the night. Although I'm am totally unsure as to how that would have happened since I was up all night with my son.
I got home from work a little earlier than normal and after white knuckling it all the way home (I am not used to this kinda of insanity) the only thing I wanted to do was tuck myself into my nice warm bed and pass out. It had been a long day. I could literally hear the music in my head the one that plays in slow motion almost. You know the song i'm talking about. it was in the end of Mr mom and National Lampoons vacation when their running up to Wally World. Ggggrrrr!!! what is the name of that song???? Anyway not important. I rounded the corner of my bedroom. All lights were off but I could hear 3 slightly different snores which could only mean only mean one thing. I was sleeping on the couch again because Kevin couldn't muster up the energy to put them in their own beds. Men crack me up that way. They say Women are all about Drama. Oh honey Please. Y'all aint seen nothin till you have seen my husband hard at work while "babysitting" and the BS that comes out of his mouth while explaining what went on and why my house is in a full on state of emergency. Last night was pretty impressive. The house had not been totally destroyed... I did notice that I had tripped over a few random things as I walked through the play room but I didn't think it needed immediate attention. Which I might add is abnormal for a night with Daddy and the kids. Yes all the pillows were off all couches and yes things were all over the room but like I said nothing needing to be cleaned immediately. I turn on the light to find a blanket and see it... there were cheese balls and chips smashed and scattered all over the room. This kinda made me hungry. Not because of all the chips and cheese balls but because the thought of Waffle House came to my mind. Why you asked. When ordering hashbrowns at Waffle house you are asked if you want them scattered, smothered, covered, chunked, etc... That is kinda what the play room looked like. Hashbrowns that had been scattered, covered, smothered, and chunked. Then back to reality. What the hell went on here last night? Did Kevin leave them here to fend for themselves? Had we been robbed? Had he fallin' in the shower? Did he forget to feed the kids? and then I remembered... none of these were true. I dropped the kids off at his parents on my way to work because he wanted to be able to go play with his new Polaris rzr. So now the question now becomes Why the hell does the play room look like a waffle house hashbrown? hummmmm I'm stumped. Too tired to deal.. will investigate in the morning.
I finally get all tucked in and comfy on the couch and ready to watch tonights episode of the Real Housewives of Orange County. I hear this loud noise. I keep hearing it and hearing it. I for some reason think that snow must be falling off the roof or trees and making a loud thump when hitting the ground but I was wrong. The noise I was hearing was Kevin walking down the hall way to inform me that "my son" was awake and I needed to come deal with him. HUH my son?!?!? I go back and get him thinking are you freaking kidding me. He can't just deal with this. Get him some milk and put him in HIS bed. Not rocket science.
Hello 5 hours later I decided to change my approach. I had tried everything and all that child wanted to do was flip, flop, walk, cry, up, down, around, under and behind. I finally turned cartoons or as my daughter calls them "cardtoons" and I'll be a monkey's uncle, no more then a few minutes pass and I hear that snore come out of his sweet little mouth. I am just about to close my eyes when the door flies open and I hear a screaming child who can't figure out how to get her gloves on and yelling at the top of her lungs in full panic mode that dad is going to leave her. And the day begins. No School for the kids, No work for the husband and no sleep for mom. Going to be a fantastic day!