Thursday, February 11, 2010

So we returned yesterday from our little Vacation and surprisingly there is nothing to report from our journey home. The kids were very well behaved and the flight was pretty much flawless. Who knew after the week we had we were in a calm place. I could only hope this didn't mean we were at the eye of the storm.

So Kevin was tryin' to wake me up this morning unusually early talking all this nonsense about snow and blah blah blah. Hello Kevin I'm clearly sleeping and there is no need for me to be up at this ungodly hour. So with that I rolled over and tried to get back to the exact moment I was at in my dream when I was so rudely awaken. I don't really remember but I think the dream had something to do with Brad Paisley. Now the only thing going through my mind was snow. What the hell happened to Brad???? As I lay there again squeezing my eyes closed as tight as I could trying desperately to get back to Brad... I suddenly felt myself ejecting from the bed, bolting to the door, just about ripping the door off the hinges then running to the TV!!!! I fell to my knees folding my hands and praying like I have never prayed before. PLEASE GOD DON'T LET SCHOOL BE CANCELED TODAY!!!!!
I was very pleased to see that Dallas schools don't panic at the first report of snow and cancel everything like Little Rock schools do.
As I pull up to school so many people were welcoming me back from my Hellish vacation. I realized there must have been a little misunderstanding and I would like to take a moment to clear everything up. Our vacation was just as I had expected. We had a wonderful time and wouldn't have changed a thing about it..... Well stop the press. I changed my mind. I wouldn't have eaten that PURPLE GUMMY!?!?!?!?!? But other then that our vacation was fantastic. What kind of a life would I live if nothing ever went wrong and I had perfect kids that never misbehaved or had meltdowns. I can't think of a more boring life. Those are the moments that I sit back, cross my arms and smile. I know these are the times I'll remember, these are the moments that embarrass the hell out of me at the time, but the moments that make for a funny story. These are the moments that make us the Cate's.
I look forward to many more vacations that the normal person considers Hell. I look forward to everyday knowing that my family and I march to a different drummer, we dance to a different tune and I love every moment of it. There is nothing normal about my life and I think that is just fine!
I may panic when I think school is going to be canceled and I may sometimes pretend that my kids belong to someone else. But who the hell doesn't??? I am just not afraid to admit it!