Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Disneyland Vacation

vacation day 1. Started by running around like chickens with our heads cut off making sure we had all the paraphernalia that goes along with traveling with kids. With fingers crossed we have everything we are off to the airport. As we arrive I notice that I have dog hair all over me from Kiwi sitting in my lap on the way to DFW. No lent brush on hand I ask the men checking up in at the curb for some tape. Kevin over hears the conversation and tries to strike a deal with him. Tells the man that if he pays Kevin $20 he will let him do the tape dehairing for me. Really Kevin come on. So we board the plane and the kids immediately start to terrorize the airplane while husband watched the airlines movie with his sound proof headphones. The movie being Fame. Really???? Freaking Fame. Moving on...After dinner Fulton pukes on me. due to a hair in his mouth. Did I mention he puked ON me! When I say on me I really mean an adult man size puke and it was 100% on me. Hoping tomorrow is a little smother!

vacation day 2: woke up this morning to a burning up with fever son and a husband that is like a bull in a china cabinet walking around the house stompin like an elephant. 2 yelling kids at 7am in a house full of sleeping teenagers. Off to Disneyland. Fever gone! day lookin up!

Vacation day 3. up at the crack to enter park early got through the morning with no problems or meltdown... don't worry that didn't last. Barron had an appointment to get her hair and makeup done like a princess. Oh Lord!!! Total meltdown as we were leaving. She hated her hair. Had to play beauty Shop on the curb to fix the gelled bun.

Vacation day 3 afternoon... after attempting to make the kids nap (so kevin could nap) and Barron yelling "you don't even love or care about me" we quickly realized that we had been defeated. So off to the aladdin show. Fulton was out within minuets Kevin had to leave mid show due to "belly issues" (I didn't ask) and Barron kept getting us in trouble hanging over the railing....Rush to the other side of the park for the parade where Fulton promptly wacked some poor little girl with this light up wand as I pretend not to be his mother. Barron in full panic mode due to the fact that Kevin had told her if we go out of the VIP roped area they would call off the parade... Hello Kevin 2 year old boy isn't going to stay in a freakin roped area as those words were about to come out of my mouth off he went and here came the water works from Barron... We get back to the Hotel where Kevin damn near knocked Fulton out by hitting him square in between the eyes with the door.Then Kevin couldn't even pick him up to see if he was ok he was to busy laughing like a freakin' hyena with poor Fulton laid out bawling his eyes out all the while these ladies watched in horror. Me.....well I just need a valium with a vodka back...

Vacation day 4 (morning) wake up before the birds so we can get into the park an hour early. Weather was nice and we were ready for the last day in the park. Go to space mountain to enjoy no lines finish the ride and it was a freaking monsoon. 900 Mexicans walking around in ponchos. Note to self rollercoasters hurt in the rain and wet jeans is just well...
a special feeling. Went to Ariel's Grotto for lunch where the meltdowns begin.... Barron wasn't pleased with the way Ariel signed her name in the autograph book and then ripped it right out of Sleeping Beauty's hands while very firmly telling her she signed it yesterday and should have remembered. After lunch Barron successfully waited till we were at the furthest place from the bathrooms for an emergency, needless to say we then had to head back to the room for a wardrobe change. While dealing with that Fulton decided it would be a good idea to roll, wrap, and TP the entire room. Now off to the Playhouse Disney show in the rain. Oh and one more thing... California people have no idea how to deal with rain. Yes it is raining but it is still in the upper 50's pretty sure there is no need for earmuffs. ALthough Earmuffs accompanied with Ponchos is a fantastic look.

Vacation day 4 afternoon/evening never made it to the playhouse disney. We got all suited up again from the wardrobe change and headed downstairs. The rain was nuts. So kevin thought it was a good idea to sit in the lobby, plop the kids down in front of the TV with little dwarf sized rocking chairs to wait out the rain. That went over like a turd in a punch bowl.Fulton thought it would be fun to put his nose up to the TV so none of the other kiddos also waiting out the rain could watch the same Disney shows that had been playing over and over again for the 900th time. This created a total ruckus with kids yelling and crying. tried to talk kevin into dealing with what has now become a situation uuuuggg no luck. Once again I had to admit I was the parent of the delinquent child. Moving on to the next bright idea. Back up to the room for a little coloring. We had intended they color the coloring books we just bought in the gift shop but Fulton had other plans. The sheets were apparently a much better idea. Rain stopped and we were off the the park for the last hour before closing for the night. A few more rides and we would have had our Disney fix for the next year.went great and with no meltdowns. The kids and I bid Disneyland farewell while Kevin ran off to get dinner so I thought I would give the kids a bath and get them all ready for bed. Went surprisingly well until the big moment, the topper of the whole trip the cherry on top, the icing on the cake... drum roll please.......While trying to practice what I preach about the 3 second rule I pick up what appears to be a purple gummy off the floor and popped that sucker right in my mouth. NOT A PURPLE GUMMY!!! At some point throughout the day Fulton dumped on the floor and I just popped that bad boy in my mouth. Fan-freakin-tastic. PS the 3 second rule will no longer be honored in the Cate house.

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